Thursday, October 22, 2009

What's New

October 10, 2009

I cannot remember how it feels to not be completely sick to my stomach. Eating doesn't entirely alleviate the horrific nausea. I honestly don't remember what being healthy feels like. It's strange, isn't it? I mean, I haven't even been pregnant for 10 weeks even, so I've only been sick for about six weeks now, but I can't remember what it feels like to be able to eat what I want, not want to vomit all the time, not be so huge, not have every part of my body hurt and ache, not be so incredibly tired I can't stay up for three hours after work, not hate every scent I smell (whether or not I liked it before I was pregnant--now I just can't handle any lotion, perfume, or other artificial fragrance), and so on and on. The crazy thing is that now, many food smells don't bother me so much any more, which is awesome, because for a couple of weeks there, I thought I would have to quit my job--between the endless lotion and food smells permeating the office--but now, I rest assured I won't always feel like this. I just can't imagine what it feels like to be a normal person. But I can't wait to rediscover it!

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