Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Week 21

I know that I say this every week, but I really can't believe how fast time is flying. We're already over halfway there. The baby is kicking up a storm and rolling around all the time.

His new thing is just too cute--as soon as I start eating, he starts rolling around and kicking like I've been starving him his whole life. It's so adorable. Now that he can taste, it is totally fitting for him to get so excited about food. But I don't know if it's just coincidence, because there is no way for him to know that I'm eating when I take the second bite--food can't travel to him that fast, but he does it every time (at least every time it's been a few hours since the last time I ate), so it can't just be coincidence. I love that he gets as excited as I do about delicious food.

Another strange thing is that my belly has totally stopped growing. I mean, I'm still getting bigger, but not nearly as fast as I was before. I gained 10 inches in the first 14 weeks or so of the pregnancy, and then, in the last seven weeks, I've only gained about two more. My belly looks like it's getting bigger and changing shape and everything, but only a little bit. And everything is still normal (so far), so I am trying not to worry that my body is squishing my baby. He's just so sweet and he needs room to grow. Don't you just love him?

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