Thursday, December 10, 2009

New Pants

I have one pair of maternity pants that I just love, but the legs are about 6 inches too long. Then I have one pair of maternity pants that is kind of lame and I'm hoping will fit better as time goes by and my belly gets bigger.

I have five pair of pants that are so big (mostly because I am so little) and ride so low, I thought they would fit forever.

But a couple really sad things have been happening lately. The other day, I noticed that the olive/khaki (two pair that are the same, just different colors) were getting a little tight, so that would soon knock out two pair, bringing me to just five pair of pants. Then, yesterday, at work, I was wearing a different pair of olive pants, and when I sat down, I had to unbutton them because the button dug into my belly. That was the first time that button had ever been unbuttoned in all the life of those pants. Standing up was no problem, and I still didn't have to unbutton them to take them off. Just the sitting part. But I don't want to deal with that anymore, so that takes out those pants for sure. The olive/pink pants are no longer to be worn during this pregnancy. So, in desperation at the thought of only having three pair of pants that I can still wear (and one of those I don't want to wear again until my belly is even bigger), I went back to the olive/khaki pants. I was all set to wear them today, because they don't have a big button--just a small button and double hook-and-bar closure. Perfect! But they are cut a little smaller than the other pants because they won't even button up. So, I am down to three pair of pants until the two pair of jeans I ordered get here. I hope it's soon because we're running out of time. It's going to be too much to do laundry twice a week just so I can stay in clean pants. But now I REALLY need to get my maternity pants hemmed. I wonder when I can find time to get someone to do that...

The funny part is how sad I felt about it. I mean, I know that maternity pants will give me a little more of the back support I need and will be so much more comfortable for me now that my belly is really getting big. But none of that matters. It is so hard for me to have to say goodbye to my normal pants. It's so sad. Buying/wearing maternity shirts was awesome and exciting and I loved it so much. It was great. I still love it. I love that I totally fill them out, too, even if I am kind of starting to grow out of one of them already and I still have five months to go. It's fine. But having to wear maternity pants all day is breaking my heart. So many of them just look hideous and awful and I would rather die than wear them (don't get me started on the maternity garmies--hateful old women who design them and make them so they are neither comfortable nor functional!), and the ones that I like all cost more than I can pay for them.

I hope to soon be able to resign myself to wearing maternity pants all the time, because that is what is going to have to happen. I should stop talking about it in the future tense, because it's happening right now. I do have one more pair of pants that is not maternity, and I really like that. And I am looking forward to finally being able to wear jeans again. That is something. There is a bright side. I just hope the new jeans fit well and don't suck and that I can get the lot of pants hemmed before long.

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