Thursday, November 12, 2009

Yesterday's Midwife Appointment

The appointment yesterday went really well (until all of the afterward part).

Margy is great. We got to hear our baby's heartbeat (which is exactly the same rate as it was last time, so exciting!). Margy decided to measure me because I have something to measure, even though most girls at 14 weeks don't. This makes her think that maybe I am farther along than we think, so she's having us to the ultrasound before we wanted to, which is fine, I guess, it'll just end up costing us a lot more. But if it means finding out that we're due in April instead of May, that is a wonderful thing (as long as I don't have to share my birthday--I'm not a sharer when it comes to my birthday). But don't worry--Michael has already informed me that if the baby is born on my birthday, I will still have to love him (and I promise I will, even if I have to share my own personal birthday). But now, we'll be able to tell our family at Christmas if we're having a boy or a girl--that will be so much fun. And we all know that I can't keep a secret to save my life. Now that I know it's only five weeks away, I just can't wait to find out if we're having a boy or a girl. And I hope that they tell me I'm 21 weeks pregnant and not 19. That would be great! I am just so excited for the baby to come. I can't wait!

After the fun time with Margy, I had to get a flu shot from Cheryl. That was okay. She did a really good job. I only freaked out a little bit. But then I had to get my blood drawn for all of those crazy tests they do. And the girl who was there did a really bad job and it hurt like crazy. She took four vials of blood and then, when she took the needle out of my arm, she must not have done something right, because I started bleeding all over the place, losing even more of my precious blood that I need myself. It really hurt when she took the needle out, too, which is a new experience for me. And not a pleasant one, I'll tell you. Then I had to give another urine sample, and when I told the girl I didn't think I could, she just laughed like I was the most ridiculous girl ever, like just because I'm pregnant, I can pee on command (which she really did say), but I had just peed half an hour earlier, and I hadn't had any water yet in the day--all I had was a bowl of cereal with milk. So I really didn't pee very much at all. I didn't give her enough for the two vials she needed. I hope she makes do. Or not. I don't care. She wasn't the nicest girl ever--treating me like a freak because I can't pee on command when I'm pregnant and haven't had a glass of water in 12 hours and am totally parched and she hurt me so much and she stole all of my blood.

One really good thing happened at the appointment. I learned that I've only gained 4-5 pounds so far. I mean, seeing as how you're really only supposed to gain about a pound a month in the first trimester, it isn't that great, but also for how big I've gotten, I really haven't gained much weight. That is great. Suddenly, even though I'm huge, I don't feel repulsive, and I've started to feel like a cute pregnant girl. Just like I've always wanted to be. So look out World. I'm adorable. And huge. And I often bump into things.

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