Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Week 15

Wow. Here we are at week 15. My back is starting to seriously hurt. It's crazy. I've never had lower back pain before. It's always been my upper back that has hurt. Now, it's both. And mostly my lower back (and you can see why!).

I had a pretty good day. I ordered some new bras (online, of course, because no store on earth sells my size--bless their hearts) and I was sad to see that the prettier one didn't fit--nor will it ever fit in this lifetime. I was so squished that I wanted to collapse onto my bed in defeat. But my bed is getting really hard to climb into, so that wasn't about to happen. I can't believe it's going to get worse for six more months before it gets better. I can't imagine having a harder time getting around than I'm already having now.

The other day, I dropped my glasses under my desk and I tried to pick them up, but I couldn't bend down that far, and I couldn't get down on my knees. Michael wasn't home, so I had to leave him a note to please pick them up for me. It's so ridiculous.

But in another month, we'll get to know if we're having a boy or a girl, and I just can't wait. It is going to be so much fun. I can't believe how fast time has gone by and how insanely big I've gotten so far. And there is more where that came from.

By the way, I tried really hard to not make my I-hate-getting-my-picture-taken (AKA the I-am-really-uncomfortable-right-now-in-this-situation-and-I-wish-it-were-over) face. But it just came out the same. Oopsie.

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