Thursday, November 12, 2009


I think I've really started getting that nesting instinct. I just want to run around and clean and organize everything.

Monday night, Michael and I went to Office Depot to get binders and page protectors so I can organize all of my knitting patterns.

I can't wait to get another bookshelf so we can have all of our books on a bookshelf and get the storage room cleaned up and out. I want to keep all of our empty boxes, but I'm ready to get rid of a lot of stuff from my past. I can't wait to reorganize my bedroom and make room for our sweet little baby. I really feel the need to get everything done now and get all ready. I just want to spend the next six months scrubbing every corner of the apartment and making baby blankets and things--I don't want to be caught without a crib or anything and then have a baby that we can't clothe or allow to sleep anywhere.

How cute is it that Michael and I are going to have a baby? I LOVE babies! Especially ours. He's the cutest baby ever. I promise. Totally adorable and I can't wait to meet him (or her). But, in the meantime, I'm trying really hard to get all ready and make sure everything is perfectly cleaned and organized so that, when the time comes, I can just relax and enjoy the first few moments of my baby's life.

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