Monday, February 2, 2009

Update on the Lover's Knot Afghan

I have to take the blanket apart again. I decided that I like the clustered braid with the XOXO pattern better than the Saxon braid with the XOXO pattern. Sad, because the Saxon braid is my favorite cable pattern (until I find a prettier one). The clustered braid isn't so bad, but it's kind of like the poor man's Saxon. I've been thinking about it for a couple of days, looking at it while I've moved on to other things to give me a chance to sort out how I really feel about the Lover's Knot Afghan. And I think that I am, finally, ready to start over and really finish it this time. But I'm sitting at my desk at work right now, so it's easy to just think it will be fine when I get home and actually take it apart and start over. I think that the Saxon braid was just too much to pair with the XOXO, so the simpler cluster will make a good choice.

I am going to do the tulip bud border. I really like that. It's a pretty border, and it's going to look great, I just know it. I stole the idea from the Tree of Life afghan that I haven't started yet, and I really think it's going to turn out well.

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