Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Massive Amounts of Projects Underway as We Speak!

**Spoiler alert--if you are expecting a Christmas gift from me and don't want to know what it is, please skip this part**

So, with all of the frustration of the Lover's Knot Afghan, which I have again dismantled, I have been working on Christmas projects. I can't believe how much I've gotten done! My sister's bag is done. My other sister's bag would be done, but the felting process went awry and now I don't know what to do to fix it because it looks awful. So disappointing! But I have also finished Amos's scarf and hat. I improvised both patterns myself. And they look great! But then, I started working on these slipper socks for Chelsea's family, and I've finished James's so far. They aren't turning out how I imagined, but they are going to be just fine, I think. I can't believe how fast I'm finishing them. I've gotten James's totally done. His are brown and grey--I held a strand of each together the whole way through. Now, I'm working on Yayo's--his are grey and blue. The top will just be grey and the sole I'm making with blue and grey held together for a little extra cushion. I'm hoping to get those done this week. Then just three more pair and I'm done with that group of Christmas gifts. I can't believe what I have done already! It's really fascinating to me how much I can get done if I just do it.

**End of Christmas spoiler**

I've gotten a season and a half of Friday Night Lights watched in the last week and a half while I've been working on all of these projects. And movies and court shows and so many other things. It's awesome. I am loving Friday Night Lights. It's a great show--really intense. It seems a bit unrealistic for high school kids, but it's just so good! I don't remember parents being okay with the fact that sophomores are out drinking and having sex all the time or that juniors show up drunk or with hangovers to everything. Even in a small town. But it's just so good, I can't complain. I think I'll watch an episode right now…

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