Thursday, March 5, 2009


While I'm working on everyone's Christmas gifts, I am seeing that I am also getting a ton of TV watched. I'm currently watching a ton of shows that are on TV now (current season, even, though I still watch them online) and I'm in the middle of season 1 of The Pretender (I used to think Jarod was the hottest guy alive--but that was when I was like 16, so I am sure I am forgiven, and I don't remember thinking how grotesquely formulaic the shows format is or how Jarod totally tortures the bad guys in a way that would get him arrested in a normal world) and season 1 of CSI (I'm shocked at how far graphics have come since the year 2000 and it makes me realize how I can't wait until all TV is digital). I'm totally enjoying all of the shows I'm watching, and I'm also soon to start ER Season 1. I haven't decided yet if, when I start that, I will have to put CSI on hold, but I'm thinking that one TV series from Netflix at a time is my limit. That will be okay, because I'm only halfway through the first season, and I will be able to pick it up again when season 4000 of ER is over.

The TV shows I'm pretty closely following are so numerous, it's almost impossible to list them all. I watch The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Colbert Report, COPS, Lost, Friday Night Lights, 24, and Lie to Me. I am not caught up on any except Lost and 24. Watching these shows keeps me up-to-speed with a lot of my coworkers and falling behind would be doom! But I have to admit that I prefer to watch one show (or two shows) at a time from beginning to end. I hate the moment where I catch up and then have to wait from week to week for the next installment. I hated catching up with Lost and 24, even though now we have long conversations about the shows the morning after they air (or afternoon, if someone didn't catch it the previous evening--I watch them before work in the morning, actually--and has to watch it while at work). That is a great benefit of keeping up--I get so much more out of the program because everyone else remembers so much more than I do.

I have big plans this weekend to catch up on Friday Night Lights. It's going to be great. There are three of us who are about the same amount behind in the show and we're all going to catch up this weekend. It will be really fun to talk about it with someone else.

It seems so strange to talk about all of the TV I watch. I mean, it doesn't feel like I watch very much TV at all. I work with a ton of TV watchers, though, so TV is just part of our culture. It also may be that I always watch it while I'm knitting and sitting at my computer so it doesn't feel like watching anything--it's just on to be something else while I'm just sitting there.

Yesterday, while I was watching all of my court shows and then Attack of the Killer Tomatoes and then some episodes of The Pretender, I got two gifts about 90% done. It is so exciting to me to get more and more done. I've started a surprise project and I'm really excited to see how it goes. I hope it totally rocks. It involves turning a heel, so I know I'll be so good at it!

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