Friday, September 30, 2011

A Little Car Accident

Michael hates the term "accident" used meaning cars colliding. I think it makes it seem like it's not a huge deal. Like a little accident. Like a potty-training accident that takes a minute to clean up and then everyone goes back to what they were doing, hopefully a little more observant about what caused the accident and more careful to not repeat it.
Last Thursday, we were at the park, just like we have been every day for weeks for about an hour after Michael gets off work and before dinner and bedtime. But, this time, I really needed a crappy $1 sundae from McDonald's. Sometimes I need those. No big deal, right? It's a buck and it fulfills this crazy need I have for cheap, poor-quality ice cream and then I can go back to wanting delicious things. So, on the way home, Michael stopped at McDonald's and then we headed home. We were stopped at the light, about to turn right, when the car jumped forward with a big BUMP (or crash, or whatever sound effect it made). I looked at Michael and I said, "What just happened?" In my mind, it was an earthquake or something along those lines that caused the car to jump forward. What else could it have been, really? It was some kid on a date in a brand-new car. I felt bad for the kid. Temporary tags and all.
Police were called--Officer Winegar was not related to Bridger even though he looked just like him except with reddish brown hair--and our statements were taken. We hung out on a big road in Bountiful and let Rock run around in the grass a little, except it was a steep-ish incline to the parking lot below and he kept falling down, which was scary in any case, but then I was REALLY jumpy and stressed and I couldn't handle any fall. Bless his heart. We got home after bedtime and made the best of it, trying to eat dinner fast and rush through a bath calmly enough to get Rock to sleep as soon as possible (schedule changes aren't pleasant for anyone in this house).
We were okay, except for the huge expense of rushing out to buy a new car seat and incredibly high copays (gotta love private insurance). But the lingering pain is dreadful. We went to the instacare on Friday, about 16 hours after the initial impact. The dr there said, "Oh, it just sounds like you have the whiplash. Just don't lift anything and then, after a few days, stretch your neck and you'll be fine. It may be hard to not lift anything if you have that baby, but don't lift him more than you have to and you'll be fine."
Then I called my mom and my sister, both of whom have been rear-ended several times (bad luck? I don't know. Must be. How can you be rear-ended so many times by drunk drivers and not have incredibly bad luck?). And both had the same response, "JUST whiplash? Are you crazy? That totally messes you up. You need to be checked out by a specialist and get into PT as soon as you can." My sister's spine curve is still totally reversed from her last wreck. It's not something to just brush off. I know it's not the worst wreck ever, we're still alive and intact and Rock came out totally unscathed--what a blessing. I am so grateful that he didn't even know what was going on and the worst part of the ordeal was when the nurse tried to take his blood pressure.
However, my back is numb. And my hand goes numb every night. I don't really think that is something to just brush off--it's been over a week and my back is numb. So, we went back on Thursday (a week after the accident and six days after we went to the instacare in the first place) and a new Dr said we should have been referred to a specialist the first time. So, I made the appointments with the specialist when I got home. We can't get in until October 26th. I guess it's not that long of a wait for a specialist, but when my back is numb and it hurts to move quickly, it seems like forever, especially when my job is to chase around a 17-month-old kid with endless energy.
When Michael called our insurance adjustor the third time, she said that she didn't have any new information for us because fault was still being determined. Really? This kid rammed into us while we were stopped at a light. How hard is that to determine? There's a police report...
Then we found out that the kid didn't turn in the claim to his insurance. We submitted it and that takes longer for them to determine fault. This is a huge ordeal. I'm exhausted just thinking about it.
I didn't realize how expensive it is to be in a wreck. We have to pay for everything upfront and then wait to be reimbursed. Not that we have had a terrible amount of costs, but it's a lot when you live on a budget that doesn't include a separate category for "car wreck."
It's just a lot to deal with. The money is the least of it. It's just the most tangible thing. I can't imagine what would have happened if the wreck had been worse. I am so grateful that Rock wasn't hurt at all. I loved his car seat so much, and now I love it even more. That is something I will NEVER skimp on. Ever. It's too important to make sure my sweet baby is safe. That is why he sits rear-facing as long as possible--if he had been forward-facing, he would have been hurt the worst, and I couldn't handle that. He's so adorable and sweet and lovable and amazing and precious.
And now, we just have to focus on relaxing and getting better. The car can wait. It's not a big deal to drive around in a car that looks like it's been in a wreck if it still runs.

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