Friday, April 10, 2009


I've been working on curtains, right? Well, I just realized that it is going to take me months of work to finish them, and I don't have that kind of time. I also need new curtains for our bedroom because, for some reason, the curtains in there now don't cover the entire windows. I really want to make beautiful curtains for the bedroom, but with everything else I have to do (work, make Christmas gifts, etc), making curtains that will take at least seven months is a daunting task. We'll see, I guess.

But right now, all projects are taking a hiatus while we are moving. We are pretty much done now--just a few odds and ends and a touch of cleaning to do at our other apartment, and everything is at the new place. In boxes. Piled up everywhere. Staring me down even when I'm miles away at work.

While we've been moving, sleeping on the floor, packing, and almost unpacking, I've fallen behind in every show I watch with my coworkers. And I haven't watched anything just for me. And I don't really miss it, except for the knitting part. I do miss that. And I love to watch something while I knit. So, soon it will be back to the TV and all of the fun that can be had there! And, someday, I will finish two curtain panels and they will be beautiful and they will hang in my living room for the world to enjoy.


  1. are you knitting the curtains? i don't think I've ever seen knit curtains. that would be amazing. good luck with the move. it's so much work. but unpacking can be kind of fun.

  2. Wow, Katie. I didn't think anyone really read my blog, and I was shocked to see a comment! How exciting. I'll have to post a picture of the curtains when they are done for everyone (you and me) to gush over.
