Monday, July 25, 2011

Reduce - Reuse - Recycle

Why I Was Afraid of Cloth Diapers

1) They are ugly.
This turns out to be a complete lie. Even a quick, perfunctory search will debunk this crazy myth. They are the CUTEST diapers alive. There are so many colors and even prints out there that are just too adorable for words.

2) You have to change them every 20 minutes.
This, also, turns out to be a lie. There are inserts that are super absorbent and you can use as many inserts as you want/need--even for overnight.

3) They are super messy and you have to deal with baby poop.
This isn't entirely true, either. With a flushable liner and a diaper sprayer, there is no need to deal with poop and poop smells any more than a disposable diaper.

4) Cloth diapers=all laundry, all the time
This isn't true, either. While, with cloth diapers, you have to do 3-4 extra loads a week, it doesn't have to be folded. It's laundry, but only the easy part. And it doesn't mean a ton more soap--you use a fraction of the soap you would use for regular laundry.

5) They are hard to use.
This isn't true at all. You don't have to fold a crazy piece of fabric into a diaper shape. There are all-in-ones that do everything for you--all you have to do is Velcro or snap it up. The end. Just like fastening a disposable.

6) They are bulky.
True. But who doesn't love a huge baby bum?

Why I Was Drawn to Cloth Diapers

1) They are much more environmentally friendly
This is very true. It's not even funny how true this is. I hate throwing a billion diapers away every week, not to mention all of the wipes and the diaper pail bags. It's a huge, smelly, grotesque mess. Grody.

2) They are cheap.
This is a little true, and a little not. Cloth diapers can cost about as much as disposable, and you plunk down the whole thing (most of it, anyway) all at the beginning, so it is a huge investment. There are expensive cloth diapers, wipes, sprays, inserts, liners, etc and there are plenty of accessories to go with them--wet bags, dirty diaper bags (like diaper pails), diaper sprayer. And then if you go with a laundry service, it all gets pretty spendy. But there are ways to make it better for your budget--even without having to get your hands dirty (or smelly).

3) They are better for your baby.
This is totally a great reason to use cloth diapers. Fewer rashes, earlier potty training, and a cuter bum.

I have decided on FuzziBunz. They are cute, super soft, easy (one-size pocket diapers for us), and I love the snaps. AND (wait, there's more) I love that you can adjust both the waist and the legs. This is excellent for our baby with a skinny waist and chubby legs. What a sweetie.

In a few short weeks, when we've used most of our open boxes disposable diapers (we're saving some boxes for emergency use and in case Michael really can't handle it), we'll be using super-soft, super-cute, super-everything-I-want-in-a-diaper FuzziBunz. I am so excited, I can't wait, which is also why we are going to be saving so many boxes of diapers to use "just in case"--which I am also hoping never comes up. I seriously cannot wait to use the last 150 diapers, or however many we have in the changing table right now.

Aren't they SO cute?

Also, I'm secretly hoping the bulk of the diapers makes Rock's pants fit--the skinny minnie.

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