Friday, December 9, 2011

Today has been eventful

Today, Rock stuffed a green bean up his nose and freaked out until I could fish it all out. Totally grody. But then he was happily blowing spit bubbles ten minutes later.
Oh, yeah, and, also, today I accidentally tickled the pee right out of Rock. Oopsie. That accident was my fault. Totally didn't count.
But in adorable good news, Rock will FINALLY answer when you ask "what's your name?" That question was a lot harder than I thought it would be. We've been working on it for over six months--ever since he could point to himself and say "Rock." It was much easier to get him to answer the questions: what does Santa bring you? (toys) What does Santa say? (ho ho ho--or just "ho ho") and What does Santa eat? (cookies) What a cutie.

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